ADDitude Magazine (inside the ADHD mind): A website and magazine with helpful tools, articles and resources for anyone living with ADHD trying to understand and manage its effects.

CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD): An organization that helps improve the lives of people with ADHD by providing education, advocacy and support.

The Exercise Prescription: An article I highly recommend for the management of ADHD.

Driven to Distraction: A helpful and insightful book written by renowned ADHD expert, Dr. Edward Hallowell.


Al-Anon Family Groups: An international organization that provides support and tools for family members of alcoholics and drug addicts.

Dr. Dan Siegel: Founder of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. Dr. Siegel’s website provides resources, courses and clinical research about human relationships and the science behind mindfulness and meditation.

InsightLA: A non-profit meditation center in Los Angeles that offers a wide array of helpful classes, courses and trainings in meditation and mindfulness based stress reduction.

Sharon Salzberg: Co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, teacher of Buddhist meditation and a NY Times best selling author. I highly recommend her podcast and books.

Dr. Sue Johnson: A great resource for couples looking for books, videos and tools to strengthen their relationship.


The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Hand In Hand Parenting (website)

Janet Lansbury (website)

No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury

The Whole-Brain Child Workbook by Dan Siegel & Tina Bryson

Parenting resources recommended by Los Angeles clinical psychologist Dr Dana Season. Mental health and family relationships.